Ethnographic Film Screening
@7th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association (APA)
Lisbon, 3 a 7 de junho de 2019
Call for ethnographic film proposals [EN]
2019 is life; another stage in humanity’s social and natural history, an unfinished process of symbiotic and predatory relationships with all the rest. APA’s Ethnographic Film Screening will bring together and explore (audio)visual forms of representing our lived times. We look for works of ethnographic inspiration about a world in enduring mutation, with its tensions and openings, systoles and diastoles, in a permanent and permanently intriguing throb.
Important dates:
- November 12 (Monday), 2018 to February 15 (Friday), 2019: period for submission of film proposals
- April 22 (Monday), 2019: Announcement of selected films
- April 29 (Monday) to May 03 (Friday), 2019: period for submission of the definitive files
Criteria for submission:
- Films released after the 1st January 2014;
- Subtitles in at least one of these languages: Portuguese (PT), Spanish (ES), English (EN) or French (FR);
- All lengths accepted.
How to submit proposals:
- First phase – selection process (submission until February 15, 2019):
Submission of proposals using the online form ( with basic data about the film and directors / producers, including a link to a shareable version of the film (on Vimeo or Youtube) which, according to with the author’s preference, may be in unlisted mode with private and password protected access. In cases where the film is protected, the keyword must be provided for the film to be consulted by the jury.
- Second phase – only for selected films (until May 03, 2019):
File upload (via Dropbox, WeSendit, WeTransfer, MyAirBridge or equivalent) in uncompressed digital format suitable for public display in large format.
Along with the definitive file to the public exhibition in large format, the authors and / or producers of the selected films should also send:
– 2 still frames of the film;
– Technical Sheet;
– Trailer of the film for insertion in the congress website;
– Joint statement with:
1) Authorization for the exhibition of the film by the Portuguese Anthropological Association, within the framework of the Ethnographic Film Show, integrated in the 7th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association (a template can be provided by the secretariat);
2) Authorization for the use of promotional images by the Portuguese Anthropological Association in posters, on the congress website or in any other materials of dissemination;
3) Confirmation of presence of the authors in the screening, in particular in the session where their film will be shown;
4) Authorization for the exhibition of the film in extensions/itinerancies hosted by anthropology departments and research centers in anthropology at Portuguese universities.
Catarina Laranjeiro, anthropologist, CES-UC
Gonçalo Mota, anthropologist and director, CETRAD
Humberto Martins, anthropologist, UTAD / CRIA-UM
Inês Ponte, anthropologist, ICS-ULisboa
Paulo Raposo, anthropologist, CRIA, ISCTE-IUL,
Rodrigo Lacerda, anthropologist, CRIA-FCSH/ISCTE-IUL
Sofia Sampaio, researcher Cinema and Anthropology, CRIA-IUL
The secretariat of the Portuguese Anthropological Association will make individual confirmation of reception for each film proposal. The absence of confirmation should be questioned by e-mail (
The authors and/or producers of the selected films will be informed individually about the results of the selection. The results of the selection can be consulted on the congress website by April 22, 2019.
The authors and/or producers of the selected films must send the definitive file to the public exhibition in large format until May 03, 2019.
We firmly encourage the presence of filmmakers in the screening sessions. The purpose of this film screening is to create a space for critical reflection on ethnographic filmmaking.