Title | 29 26
Directed by| Pedro Velho
Year | 2018
Runtime| 40′
Country| Portugal
Cast| Ada Borga, Josefine Winkler, Mariana Alves Canas, Sara Braz Ferreira
Editing| Pedro Velho, Sérgio Galvão Roxo
Picture | Ada Borga, Pedro Velho
Sound| Sérgio de Jesus
Script| Ada Borga, Josefine Winkler, Mariana Alves Canas, Pedro Velho, Sara Braz Ferreira
Synopsis| EN | 29 26 is an audiovisual and performative study about the relationship of four young performers with themselves and the world around them.Using images captured during the workshop process, images of their daily lifeand images of performative compositions, they give a voice and body to their expectations and concerns. Together they try to answer the question of who they are now and who they will be in 10 years.
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
[com a presença do realizador]