Title | The Encyclopedia of Migrants

Directed by | Frédéric Leterrier e Benoît Raoulx

Year | 2018

Runtime | 69′

Country | França

Direction Assistant | Martin Benoist

Filming and Montage Assistant | Benoît Curial

Filming Assistant | Margaux Verove

A co-production L’âge de la tortue / Programme FRESH

Synopsis | EN | The Encyclopedia of Migrants is an art project initiated by Paloma Fernández Sobrino and jointly organized by the association L’âge de la Tortue.
Initially based in Rennes, the project grew out of the collaboration between 8 cities from the European Atlantic Coast in France, Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar, between 2014 and 2017.
The Encyclopedia is a collection of 400 personal letters written by migrants, compiled with photographic portraits of each witness.
It also includes 16 texts written by researchers coming from the fields of humanities and social sciences. The project has been funded by different institutions in the framework of an “Erasmus +” Programme (European Union). This film tells the story of the joint creation of the Encyclopedia by more than 700 people. The aim of the film is to provide a reflexive approach on the project for different audiences. It has been supported both by Age de la Tortue and the FRESH programme through the MSHB (Rennes) and MRSH (Caen).

June 5th – FCSH NOVA

11:00 AM

[In the presence of the directors]